Ipr – Profile integrated intensities output or generation of .sub files
=0 No action
=1 Observed and calculated profile intensities written in CODFIL.out
=2 The files CODFILn.sub with the calculated profile of each phase are generated.
=3 As 2 but the background is added to each profile.

Ppl – Various types of calculated output -I
=0 No action
=1 Line printer plot in CODFIL.out
=2 Generates the background-file FILE.bac
=3 Puts difference pattern in file FILE.bac

Ioc – Various types of calculated output -II
=0 No action
=1 List of observed and calculated integrated intensities in CODFIL.out
=2 The reflections corresponding to the second wavelength are also written if different
     from the first one.

Mat – Correlation matrix output
=0 No action
=1 The correlation matrix is written in the file CODFIL.out
=2 The diagonal of Least Squares matrix is printed before inversion at every cycle.

Prf - Output format of the rietveld plot file CODFIL.prf
Generates the file CODFIL.prf containing the information to plot the observed versus calculated
diffraction pattern as well as the reflection positions, etc. The output forma
=1          Format suitable for WinPLOTR, and other plotting programs.
=2          Format suitable for IGOR (MacOS, Windows software)
=3          Format suitable for KaleidaGraph (MacOS, Windows software) andWinPLOTR.
=4          Format suitable for Picsure, Xvgr (Sun-Unix Software)
=-3        Format suitable for WinPLOTR, and other plotting programs. coluoured ticks

Ins – Data file format

=0  Data supplied in free format. Up to seven comment lines are accepted. The first three
      real numbers found at the beginning of a line are interpreted as Ti, step and Tf and. The following
      lines after Ti, step and Tf must contain NPTS=(Tf–Ti)/step+1 values of the intensity profile. Data
      format of TOF raw data from Argonne are also interpreted by this value of Ins.
=1 D1A/D2B format (original Rietveld-Hewat format: the first line must be Ti, step and Tf
=2 D1B old format (DEC-10)
=3 Format corresponding to the ILL instruments D1B and D20.
=±4 Brookhaven synchrotron data.
    4:    First line: 2θi, step, 2θf (free format). Rest of file: pairs of lines with 10 items like
  -4: Format given by DBWS program for synchrotron data. (Version DBW3.2S-8711)
=5 Data from GENERAL FORMAT for TWO AXIS instrument. Three lines of text
     followed by two lines with the items:
     NPTS, TSample, Tregul, Ivari, Rmon1, Rmon2 Ti, step, Tf
=6 D1A/D2B standard format prepared by D1A(D2B)SUM (ILL), ADDET(LLB),
     MPDSUM (LLB) or equivalent programs.
=7 Files from D4 or D20L
=8 Data from DMC at Paul Scherrer Institute.
=10 X, Y, Sigma format with header lines. In all cases the first six lines are considered as comments.
=11 Data from variable time X-ray data collection. The first four lines are considered as
   comments. The following lines are: 2Thetai, step, 2Thetaf Comment (Time, Intensity) in format 5(F6, I10).
=12 The input data file conforms to GSAS standard data file.

Rpa – Output .rpa/.sav file
=1 Prepares the output file CODFIL.rpa. If the file exists before
      new data are APPENDED.
=2 Prepares file CODFIL.sav (sequential refinements) "

=-1 Prepare a CIF file

Hkl – Output of reflection list in CODEFIL.hkl

=0 No action
=1 Outputs: Code, h, k,l , mult, dhkl , 2θ , FWHM, Iobs , Icalc , Iobs − Icalc
      or if ABS(Job)>1 : h, k,l , mult, Icalc , 2θ , dhkl
=2 Output for SIRPOW.92: h, k,l , mult,sinθ / λ, 2θ , FWHM , F 2,σ (F 2 )
=±3 Output of Real and Imaginary parts of Structure Factors: ,  h, k,l
        mult, Freal , Fimag ,2θ , Intensity
=4 Output of: h, k,l, F 2,σ (F 2 ) .
=5 Output of: h, k,l, mult, Fcalc ,Thkl , dhkl ,Qhkl

Fou- Output of CODEFIL.fou files

=0 No action
=1 Cambridge format
=2 SHELXS format are also in (Prepares also the file CODFILn.ins)
=3 FOURIER format (Prepares also the file CODFILn.inp)
=4 GFOURIER format (Prepares also the file CODFILn.inp)