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Micro absorbtion
The Influence of surface roughness on diffracted X-ray intensities
If the condition \(\mu l < 1\) is not realized by the investigated
samples, we use \[P= P_0 + C
where \(\tau\) is the normalized surface roughness parameter, \(P_0\)
is called the bulk contribution to the microabsorption effect since it
depends only on the parameters \(\mu\), l and \(a_0\) which
characterize the structure of the bulk materia. The explicit
representation of P0 and C as function of the bulk parameters a0,
\(\mu\), is only reliable in the above conditon. However, the
algoritm could be nevertheless applied as the simple analytical form of
the \(\tau\) and \(\theta\) dependence of the microabsorption
correction factor is however retained.
is exact if
\[\tau^2 /sin(\theta) << 1\] The surface roughness
parameter of real powders can be expected to satisfy the condition
\(\tau\)<0.3. (The present analysis yields 0.005 <1-<0.12 for
the investigated powders.) Consequently, expression can be used without
any restriction in the range of scattering angle \(\theta\) > 30"
(for \(\tau\)=0.1: \(\theta\) > 10°). If it will be necessary to
record scattering data of rough samples at scattering angles \(\theta\)
< 30 the surface roughness parameter \(\tau\) should be fitted. Then,
the value of \(\tau\) should be used to estimate the range
\(sin(\theta) > \tau \) where expression is applicable.
some values for a not pressed powder (BSCCO) P0=0.6 C=1-2 \(\tau\) = 0.005-0.1